Everyone knows that summertime is for laying out by the pool and flirting with hot guys.
That’s why I love to have my sissies prepare for the summer with a full body wax! If you want to be a summer sissy slut, you need to embrace the entire aesthetic. Smooth skin, clean bikini lines, and flirt ready summer lips are where it’s at! For a sissy looking to flirt away the hot summer days, lounging by the pool, preparation is key. Go to the salon and have a full wax, toe to tailbone and back up and under; get every single stray hair under control, because no one wants a hairy fucking sissy. While you’re at the salon, get yourself some gel tips for your mani, and pick out a real cute summery color for your toes. Heck, go ahead and get a little gemstone and wee flower painted on your big toe while you’re at it.
Worried about having a perfect summer beach body?
Fuck that! Don’t worry about whether or not you’re perfectly slim and svelte, my sweet summer sissy slut whores! You have a body, therefore you automatically have a beach body. If you’re afraid to flaunt what you’ve got, there are some tricks available to help with your confidence and also disguise your problem areas. Instead of going for a two piece string bikini, try a one piece full coverage suit! Aim for maximum sluttiness by picking a pink suit, or, if you can find it, one with bold patterns in bright summer colors. The pattern can help disguise any spare tire issues you have, and pink definitely sends a message. For extra bonus points, invest in a bedazzler, and decorate your suit! Try slogans across the ass, or across your tits, like “Princess”, “Slut”, “I <3 Hairy Men”… Go wild! Summertime is for enjoying life, not worrying about how other people feel about your fabulous self.
Go on, sissies, enjoy your summertime fun!
No matter what stage of sissy evolution you’ve reached, you can enjoy some summer sissy slut fun and games. Even if you can’t get gel tips, you can get your toes painted, because the vast majority of male identified folks wear close toed shoes for work, and even leisure. If you get called out for your pretty painted toes at home, or on the weekend, give them the stare of Offended Affront, and refuse to back down. Tell them you’re working to dismantle toxic masculinity and support your feminist friends. Or just straight up lie, and tell them there was some viral challenge thing that you’re participating in. Either way, it’s no one else’s business what you do with your damn toenails. Wear your panties under your masculine clothes, and enjoy the freedom of silky underthings. Lay out by the pool and offer your sweet mouth up to anyone who shows interest. Whatever floats your sissy boat this summer, I want you to go with it, embrace it, and love it.
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